Paramedicine Board of Australia - Professional standards
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Professional standards

From 1 December 2018, paramedics must be registered with the Paramedicine Board of Australia (the Board) and meet the Board’s registration standards in order to practise in Australia.

Registration standards

There are five mandatory registration standards which the Board has developed and consulted on. These are:

  • continuing professional development
  • criminal history 
  • English language skills 
  • professional indemnity insurance arrangements, and
  • recency of practice.

These registration standards were approved by the Ministerial Council on 13 April 2018.

Codes and guidelines

The Board will also develop, or use the existing multi-profession codes, guidelines and policies to provide guidance to the profession. These will include:

  • guidelines for mandatory notifications 
  • code of conduct 
  • guidelines for advertising regulated health services, and 
  • social media policy.

For more information, see: 

Page reviewed 5/02/2025