Paramedicine Board of Australia - New Accreditation Committee members appointed
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New Accreditation Committee members appointed

07 Jun 2022

The Paramedicine Board of Australia (Board) announces the updated membership of the Paramedicine Accreditation Committee (Committee).

Following an initial 3 years of establishing and commencing the accreditation process for paramedicine programs of study under the National Registration Accreditation Scheme, all positions on the inaugural Committee were advertised for appointment for the next three-year term. After a very competitive expression of interest and selection process, the Board is pleased to announce the following membership of the Paramedicine Accreditation Committee positions:

  • Emeritus Professor Marilyn Baird (Chair)
  • Dr William Lord (Co Deputy Chair)
  • Associate Professor Alan Morrison (Co Deputy Chair)
  • Associate Professor Tony Hucker
  • Associate Professor Helen Webb
  • Dr Justin Gladman
  • Mr Richard Larsen
  • Mr Martin Nichols

The Board congratulates Emeritus Professor Baird on her first appointment to this Committee along with her appointment as Chair and Dr Gladman on his first appointment to the Committee. The Board also congratulates Dr Lord and Associate Professor Morrison on being reappointed as Co-Deputy Chairs and Associate Professor Webb, Associate Professor Hucker, Mr Larsen and Mr Nichols on being reappointed to the Committee for another term.

Emeritus Professor Eileen Willis chose to retire from the Committee after 3 years as the inaugural chair of the Committee. The Board is grateful for the excellent work done by Professor Willis, whose leadership and guidance played a critical role in the success of the committee during in its first term and wishes her the very best in her future endeavours.

The Paramedicine Accreditation Committee is assigned a number of important functions by the Board under the National Law. The terms of reference of the Committee can be found here.

For enquiries, please contact the National Board’s Executive Officer on (03) 8708 9047 or by email at

For more information on the accreditation function see Accreditation under the National Law Act.

Page reviewed 7/06/2022