Paramedicine Board of Australia - About
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The Paramedicine Board of Australia (the Board) is established under the Health Practitioner Regulation National Law (the National Law). The Board’s role is to regulate paramedics in Australia under the National Registration and Accreditation Scheme (the National Scheme).

Members of the inaugural Board were appointed for three years by the COAG Health Council on 19 October 2017 and have worked with AHPRA since then to prepare the profession for regulation. From participation day on 1 December 2018:

  • paramedics are registered nationally for the first time in Australia 
  • the title ‘paramedic’ is protected nationally, and 
  • paramedicine is a registered health profession.

Find out about the Board members.

Functions of the Board

The functions of the Board include:

  • registering paramedics and students
  • developing standards, codes and guidelines for the paramedic profession
  • handling notifications, complaints, investigations and disciplinary hearings
  • assessing overseas trained practitioners who wish to practise in Australia; and
  • approving accreditation standards and accredited programs of study. 

Our functions are supported by Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA).

For information about legislation governing our operations see AHPRA's Legislation and Publications pages.

Contact the Board

Postal address

Professor Stephen Gough ASM, Chair
Paramedicine Board of Australia 
G.P.O. Box 9958
Melbourne VIC 3001

You can use the online enquiry form to contact the Board.

Communiqués and newsletters

Read communiqués and newsletters from the Board.

You can connect with AHPRA on social media to receive updates about your profession and participate in the discussion.

Page reviewed 5/02/2025